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Best Wishes for CTR Exam Candidates

It’s September and time for the CTR Exam again.  We want to send our best wishes and thoughts out to all the candidates who are still scheduled to take the exam.  By now you should be well prepared for the exam and you have some experience “under your belt.”  Before your exam review those sections of the exam that you are less comfortable with, get a good night’s sleep and get your books ready to go.  When you arrive, take a deep breath and methodically work through the test relying on your study and experience.  You probably know far more than you give yourself credit for, so don’t panic!  Steady and methodical will get you through.  Some of you have already shared with us that you passed your exam – so a huge congratulations goes out to you!  We’ll see you at NCRA in Florida for the CTR ceremony.  Good job and best wishes everyone!